If we thought FIFA was badly managed, the RFU excelled itself last week. Its Management Board (now there's an oxymoron) sacked Martyn Thomas, as its Acting CEO, and stripped him of his positions on the world body (IRB), the Six Nations, the Heineken Cup and chairman of the RFU's 2015 World Cup committee. That was some decision and it was widely applauded beyond the rugby world.
Except, Thomas hasn't been sacked until his contract runs out on10th December. Actually that's not true either. He is formally standing down on 16th December so he can attend the IRB meeting in Singapore on behalf of the RFU. You really couldn't make this up. On what planet does the current Management Board live?
I ask this question because the poisonous leaks which have so damaged the RFU and which were the subject of the Blackett report back in July have started again ("RFU civil war rumbles on" in The Guardian on Tuesday) .
Is it beyond the competency of Karena Vleck, the RFU's legal officer, to put in place today, a leak proof communications policy which includes numbering every document, keeping a record of emails to the media and all incoming and outgoing calls on land line and mobiles? This is especially important as the Slaughter & May report on its own internal governance will be delivered next week. If it is leaked in part or in its entirety, then I hope the Management Board will resign immediately.