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Proposed Changes to Charity Giving needs a re-think

You are here: Home / Blog / Politics / Proposed Changes to Charity Giving needs a re-think
Following the proposals in the Budget I wrote to Nick Hurd MP, Minister for Civil Society in the Cabinet Office on 28th March 2012:

Nick Hurd MP, Minister for Civil Society (via email)
Dear Nick
Since stepping down from front row politics I have become chairman of Trinity Hospice, Clapham which serves six boroughs north and south of the Thames including Westminster...
In yesterday's FT there was a suggestion that the Budget would cull high networth donors and cap them at £50k and or 25% of their total giving.
This could devastate much of the charity sector and go against all the whole Big Society agenda.
Could you keep up to speed as to what is happening?
Many thanks.
Derek Wyatt
Trinity Hospice

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