I sent the following Letter to the FT last week following Gordon Brown's disappointing article on the Uk Constitution:
Gordon Brown article page 11
Dear Sir
The current UK constitutional model, if model there is, is clearly broken. (GB article today). And we are moving piecemeal into elected mayors without a restructure of local government. A Martian might think this unusual when viewed from afar.
Closer to home, Brexit will be very difficult for those who live in Northern Ireland. It will mean creating upwards of 200 manned crossings between Northern Ireland and Ireland. This is clearly inappropriate and possibly impossible and anyway will cause major headaches for both countries made worse by one still being in Europe whilst the other voted to Remain.
There is though a pattern emerging. Scotland has its own Parliament, Wales does too but for obscure reasons it is called an Assembly and Northern Ireland has Stormont when it sits.
But whither England? England is by far the biggest, richest partner of them all but has no parliament or assembly. My Martian friend says this is ridiculous.
Fortunately, my report to the Constitutional Galactic Convention has been accepted.
There will be four lower and equal Parliaments of the four nations which make up the United Kingdom. Northern Ireland MPs will be allowed to sit in both the UK Parliament and the Assembly of Ireland for twenty years and then there will be a vote on unification.
Over the top and replacing the House of Lords will be the UK Senate comprising two members per county, unitary or city (with populations of under 1 million) and six members for those cities over 1 million. The Senate will retain Defence, Aid, Foreign Affairs, Climate Change, some elements of taxation, large infrastructure projects and of course, the Constitution.
Watching over you.
Your etc
Derek Wyatt