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Ed Ahead

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Ed Miliband looks set to become the new leader of the Labour Party.

In polls in yesterday's papers it looks as though his low lying, grass roots campaign based on some aspects of Obama's viral campaigns back in 2008, could lead to him winning after the second or third votes have been redistributed.

It is clearly wrong and against our party's democratic principles for David Miliband to have raised over £300k for his campaign. A point Andy Burnham, the only non-London based candidate, made across the media this morning.

It is also worth asking - (i) why David Miliband did not challenge Gordon Brown more strongly other than writing a solitary article in The Guardian when he had the opportunity; (ii) why he made such a mess of his Foreign Office ministerial team taking Glenys Kinnock away from Europe and (iii) why did he hide behind the UN and the EU when Israel bombed Gaza using white phosphorous?


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