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Don't Cry For Argentina

You are here: Home / Blog / Foreign Affairs / Don't Cry For Argentina
What a sad place Argentina is. Let me rephrase that. What an appalling set of politicians have led that country since the WW2. It is hard to believe that between WW1 and WW2 Argentina had the world's fourth largest economy. It has largely been downhill ever since.

When your economy has failed to grow year after year after year (how on earth is she a member of the G20?) all you can do is lock up your political opponents (occasionally brutalising them), give up your country to a repressive junta (it was they who invaded the Falklands) and then make the most spurious claim to the UNO (as she did yesterday).

As we all know the Falkland Islanders will determine their own fate. Self determination is a key element of any democracy. Argentina should also know that this is what is written into the UN's charter. When your country has little to shout about, make some ridiculous noises about foreign policy issues. At least it gets you heard.


(I spent 6 weeks in Argentina in 1980 and visited it again with Martin O'Neill MP and Michael Portillo MP in 2003)


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