I sent this in yesterday:
Dear Sir
If Internet service providers and social network sites carry rape images et al
(Mumsnet letter today) then it is time we introduced a licence fee for them as
we do for radio, telephony and television.
The licence fee could just be an agreement to abide by UK law. If the ISPs and/
or SN sites were found guilty of carrying pornography then a yellow card with a
fine attached and if it happened again a red card and take down.
The UK should create an internet charter for carrying content to which ISPs and
SN would have to sign.
Your etc "
The Letters Editor called me yesterday evening to discuss it.
This morning it came out like this:
"If Internet service providers(ISPs) and social network sites carry rape images et al
then it is time we introduced a fee for them to access customers as we do for radio, telephony and television. The terms of trade means that they have agreed to abide by UK law. If the ISPs and
social network sites were found guilty of carrying rape images then a fine would be given
if it happened again the site would be taken down."