On Saturday, I popped down to Cranbrook for Jack's 21st shindig which was most enjoyable. I had to give a small speech. I said it was fortunate that he took his good looks from his mother......Jack had paired up with Ali to host a joint event so we had a 100+ of their friends. It was fun.
Here's the last paragraph or two from my speech:
"Jack: you have been a constant brick in my life, a best friend, a sound critic, a joy to take anywhere, a fellow traveller, a poor squash player but a better chef; a lover of the great game. Mum and I are very proud of you and we love you very much.
We just hope you haven’t peaked too soon!
(Perhaps Jo will come forward now)
Anyway, as President Kennedy once said let us look to the future.
Mum and I would like to wish you:
Happy 21st old fellow.
To Jack."